Tips for Safe Removal of Snow From Your Roof

Tips for Safe Removal of Snow From Your Roof

During the winter months, snow can accumulate on the roof of your home and if it gets too deep and heavy, it can cause problems for your home. The removal of snow from your roof is something that needs to be undertaken only with careful planning and consideration. Most of the time, you are better off leaving the snow on the roof of it is not too heavy or causing any problems- this is because there are certain risks involved with removing snow and ice and the risk of damaging property or injuring someone during the process. But if you do have to get the snow off the roof, here are a few important tips for leaning the roof of snow this season:

Don’t use high powered machines or mechanical snow removal equipment because there is too high a risk of damaging the roof and this outweighs any benefits the speed could bring.

Don’t use sharp tools to break up ice and heavy snow packs. Tools like picks and metal rakes and shovels can treat shingles- it is best to use plastic and chip away at the snowpack slowly.

Do make sure you take the time to remove any drifted snow piles before you go on the roof- first at any of the key building elevation change and then at parapets and near any equipment.

Do remember that you need to remove any snow that might be remaining after you have cleared things off during the removal of snow from your roof.

Do make sure that as you are working to remove snow from your roof that you do so in the direction of the roof’s angles and slopes in order to prevent uneven snow loading and weight.

Don’t stockpile snow on the roof. Don’t push and pile then push and pile again- work in on a strip and push the snow all the way off then go and do the next pass the same way.

Do dispose of removed snow to prevent it from piling up to the roof line. Proper distribution of cleared snow is an important part of the removal of snow from your roof.

Do keep snow from piling up around fire escapes, ventilation areas, AC or heating units, and other structures. This is one of the tips for cleaning the roof of snow many don’t think about.

Do require any contractors you work with to use safety equipment and to follow all codes and regulations from OSHA and the EPA and other governing entities.

Do have someone remain on the ground as a spotter as well as to help ensure pedestrians and vehicles are not in the danger zone and are now hit by falling snow or ice.

Do be mindful of ice as you work in the removal of snow from your roof. Black ice can cause slips and falls and icicles falling even a foot from the roof can cause serious injury.

Do be ready for roof snow to come loose and slide off when using a roof rake. Make sure you stay a safe distance away from the eaves and well beyond the sliding radius.

Don’t forget to remember there maybe skylights, vent pipes, electrical boxes, and other items and structures that may be obscured by the snow that you don’t want to walk on or hit.

When it comes to winter home care chores, the removal of snow from your roof is one of the most dreaded and also the riskiest of them all. If you need help dealing with snow accumulating on your roof, follow these handy tips for cleaning the roof of snow and give us a call. Our team of roof care experts here at Stay Dry Roofing can help keep you and your family and your home safe all winter long. Call us today for a consultation!